Inspiring Journeys

Inspiring Journeys

The pilgrimage to Mecca is the most beautiful journey for all Muslim believers. Much more than a trip, it is the spiritual fulfillment of a lifetime, and a big step towards Allah. The pilgrimage to the Holy Land allows the expiation of sins. The believer asks for forgiveness and blessing from Almighty God. Every Muslim is invited to do this at least once in their life. It is a personal process, which results from a sincere spiritual journey. A sacred and unique experience that requires mental and physical preparation in order to accomplish it in the best conditions.
Why travel during Ramadan?
Pray salat at-tarawih closest to the Kaaba: just thinking about it, it makes you dream! To be closer to Allah, closer to the center of the world, in the most cherished place in the world for you....
Join one of our groups for a practical, simple, rewarding and unique spiritual experience!

Pilgrimage to holy places - journeys to sites that commemorate important events in faith and history - has always been the tradition of the Catholic Church. We know that those who have faith have always felt the need to travel to visit the sites, to touch the stones, to smell the odors, to pray the prayers. By doing that, the Catholic pilgrim strength- ens his faith, experiences a spiritual healing, listens more closely to the lessons of the scriptures and to the messages of the apparitions. There is no better way to learn the cha- risma and spirituality of the founders of religious orders and other saints, to understand the historical, cultural and religious context in which events occurred and their texts were written. Our expertise in organizing journeys to the Holy Land, to Rome, Fatima, Lourdes and other significant holy places designed for the Catholic Pilgrim.

Paul first visited Greece on his second missionary tour, coming from Troy in Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The year was around AD 49. According to the account in the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament, the occasion was a vision that Paul had one night while he was in Troy. In the vision, a Macedonian stood before him and begged him to cross the Aegean Sea and further into Macedonia to bring the word of Christ to his people. Paul himself and his associates saw in this vision an invitation from the Lord to preach his Gospel in this region of Greece. Obeying divine command, Paul and his associates traveled by ship from Troy to Samothrace, and from there to Kavala.
Beyond the apostle Paul, Turkey is also the Cappadocian fathers, Saint John the Evangelist. Saint John of the Apocalypse, the great councils & the Church of the East How to structure a proper Pauline program is our attempt in these tours.